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Nino Schurter Wins Overall 2012 World Cup

30 luglio 2012

The final World Cup race in Val d'Isère was a big deal for Nino. He wanted to keep his winning streak as well as secure his spot at the top, and this is exactly what he did. From the start of the race Nino set a solid pace that nobody was able to follow.

After the first lap Absalon-Kulhavy and Stander were already beaten, only Marco Aurelio Fontana and Florian Vogel were close behind. It was a great moment to watch two SCOTT riders race in the top three positions. Unfortunately Florian was fading towards the end due to cramps in his legs, but he still managed to finish 6th.

Italian champion Fontana was the strongest contender for Nino and the two fought most of the race for the leading position. However, in the last lap Nino secured his victory with a strong attack uphill and left Fontana far behind.

In the Junior race, French SCOTT riders Titouan Carod (Junior Men - 2nd place) and Margot Moschetti (Junior Women - 3rd place) proved to be strong up-and-coming racers. We look forward to seeing what they can achieve at the World Championships in September.

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