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Vincenzo Nibali joins SCOTT Sports Team

14 febbraio 2023

Vincenzo Nibali needs no introduction. One of only several athletes to ever win all three Grand Tours, the Italian is transitioning from pro-racer to industry pro, most notably with his involvement with the new Q36.5 Pro Cycling Team. Relying on years of experience and an incredible wealth of knowledge, Vincenzo will be able to help this new outfit every step of the way for racing, training, product testing and more.

Vincenzo has signed a multi-year deal with SCOTT Sports where he will represent the brand on the international stage, help with development of new products, and even race at select events - most notably at the upcoming ABSA Cape Epic in South Africa. "Having someone like Vincenzo join the team is just a joy. Talk about having the highest level of product tester for our road team! We look forward to working with Vincenzo on various projects over the next few years, and to the impact he will have on our new road team and beyond." Julian Wagner, Bike Marketing Lead, SCOTT Sports.

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