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11 novembre 2011
Scott SPORTS presents the new 2012 Range. The Road range, complete with new product innovations, high-performance technology and advanced designs. The focus throughout the collection is on high functionality, lightweight, sophisticated details and safety features designed for all adventures and weather conditions. This characterizes every product, bringing the SCOTT Road range to new levels of quality and comfort. A few highlights make the 2012 Road line highly anticipated amongst motorcyclists. The 3 layer GORE-TEX® Distinct 1 GT is one of the lightest Touring jackets on the market and offers riders the ability to experience elaborated and simple functionality. The latest innovation in our Road and Offroad protection range is the SCOTT NECK BRACE line. Developed and engineered in collaboration with the pioneers in neck protection, Leatt® We offer four new models from the SCOTT NECK BRACE CARBON PRO, the lightest CE approved brace for Offroad riders, to the SCOTT NECK BRACE STREET, the neck brace specifically for road and touring motorcycle riders. Within this four products, SCOTT merges high safety standards with the latest design. In addition, we introduced race inspired, rider driven product innovations in helmets, goggles, boots, apparel and protection. With feedback from top riders the 2012 collection has evolved in a lighter and more progressive direction. For example, the new Tyrant goggle features a custom face and nose fit system that sets new standards within the high end goggle program.

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