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Daniel Bodin takes top spot at Snowmobile Best Trick at the Winter X Games

28 gennaio 2013

SCOTT snowmobile athlete Daniel Bodin added another medal to his X Games collection last Saturday night after taking the top spot in the Snowmobile Best Trick competition.  Bodin, coming off an almost-career-ending injury in 2012, launched the 100 foot gap, throwing an Indian air backflip, which was good enough to score him a 92.33 for the win.

Daniel Bodin

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"This is unreal," Bodin said.  "I broke my neck last year, and I wasn't sure if I would ever ride again.  Just to be back here and to get that gold again is unbelievable.  I'm just so happy right now."  Bodin has won a total of 4 X Games medals including 3 gold and 1 silver.

Peter Narsa

Another notable performance at the Winter X Games came from SCOTT snowmobile athlete Peter Narsa, who competed in the Snocross event.  Narsa qualified for the final after placing 2nd in his heat race.  In the Snocross final Narsa started well and ran inside the top 5 the entire race, eventually finishing in 5th.

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