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FIM Junior MX World Championship 2014

12 agosto 2014

This year’s FIM Junior MX World Championship was held in Lierneux/Belgium.

More than 260 riders from 33 different countries showed up to fight for the top spot on the podium and a SCOTT Voltage YZ0.3 Bike.

In the 125cc class, SCOTT Swedish rider, Alvin Östlund had a great weekend finishing third overall. The Yamaha rider raced consistently with a 2nd in the first moto and 3rd in the second moto.

In the 85cc class, former 65cc World Champion, Caleb Grothues finish first after a great ride in the opening race. The 2nd Moto began just as the rain finished, Caleb started 6th place on the very muddy track. After a crash, he fought back hard to move from 12th to 6th place. Overall, the Australian finished 2nd, proudly naming himself the “85cc Vice World Champion”.

The three champions were each awarded a SCOTT Voltage YZ0.3 Bike.

As the main gear sponsor of the event SCOTT Sports was able to present its new 2015 MX Collection by setting up the “Big Ed” promo truck with help of SCOTT Benelux.

Even with the challenging weather conditions the weekend turned out to be a great success. An emotional two days for both parents and riders. Congratulations to all the young SCOTT athletes, we look forward to another great weekend at the FIM Junior MX World Championship in 2015.   

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