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SCOTT Riders Dominate at Hangtown

29 maggio 2012

Blake Baggett and Ashley Fiolek Podium Sun Valley, ID -  May 23, 2012- The 2012 Lucas Oil Pro Motocross Championship Series kicked off last weekend at the Hangtown Outdoor National held in Sacramento, CA. Two SCOTT athletes stood out from the rest by battling hard in their respective classes to come away with podium finishes.

Blake Baggett at Hangtown

SCOTT goggle athlete Blake Baggett had one of the best come-from-behind rides in recent history in the first Moto when he battled from mid-pack to catch and pass the leaders on the last lap for the win. In the second Moto, Baggett took an early lead and went on to win by a sizeable margin. His dominating 1-1 finishes would give him the Overall win in the 250 class.

Blake Baggett at Hangtown

SCOTT goggle athlete Ashley Fiolek also fought hard in her first Moto when she and rival Jessica Patterson battled back and forth for the lead, trading position multiple times. Fiolek fought hard and took the 1st Moto win. In the second Women’s Moto, Ashley got off to a great start but a late crash while leading would relegate her to a 5th place finish. Her 1-5 Moto scores were good enough for 2nd overall on the day.

Ashley Fiolek at Hangtown

SCOTT sports would like to congratulate both athletes on their podiums and wish them good luck going into the next round in Texas.

Ashley Fiolek at Hangtown

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