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CROFT and PONCET shine at Dolomyth Skyrun

25 luglio 2019

Canazei/Italy - Sunday July 21st took place the annual Dolomyth Skyrun in the Dolomites. The Italian city of Canazei hosted the 3rd stage of the Golden Trails series, and therefore lining up a stacked field of mens and womens athletes.

The short but extremely demanding course suited true mountain runners. At this game, Italian raising star Davide Magnini won the men's race leading from end to end. Alexis Sevennec placed 14th and French mountain runner Alexandre Fine was 22nd.

In the women's race, the suspense lasted until the last kilometers!  Swiss runner Maud Mathys lead the charge early on to open a 4'30'' gap on second runner Judith Wyder and SCOTT Athlete Ruth Croft was rounding up the top three 90" back at the highest point in the race.

But a long and technical downhill shuffled the cards allowing Judith and Ruth to take advantage of sensational skills and pass Maud to take 1st and 2nd respectively.

After 2 races, New Zealand athlete Ruth Croft now has a 1st place at Mont Blanc Marathon and 2nd place here at the Dolomyth Skyrun, auguring a potential high score at the overall ranking at the end of the season.


Going into this race I really did not feel that it was a course that suited my strengths. I therefore committed to spending two weeks in the Dolomites prior to the race to become familiar with the descent and use to the altitude. Looking back, it made a massive difference during the race, especially in the downhill.
2018 Winner Golden Trail Series.

Such intense effort from the gun to the finish once again got me out of my comfort zone, and I'm stoked with the outcome and look forward to a similar effort at Sierre Zinal.


Another notable performance came from from the young female SCOTT Running athlete Elise PONCET. The Mountain running specialist knew she was in good shape after placing 11th at the European Championships but was unsure about her ability to manage 22k and even less so such a long and technical downhill. She certainly delivered today placing 4th amongst some of the best in the world! Look out for her at Sierre Zinal in 3 weeks time.


Grindelwald, Switzerland - To round up a very successfull weekend for the black and yellow SCOTT athletes German SCOTT athlete Moritz auf der Heide proved he is back on track at a 100%. Racing again after long injury Moritz impressed with a stunning performance in the Swiss alps at the Eiger Ultra Trail by taking over 5 minutes off the course record. SCOTT team mate Swiss Stephan Wenk took 2nd - also staying 4 minutes unter the old course record.

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