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02 luglio 2015

Recent addition to the International Scott Running team, François GONON unveiled his potential in Chamonix this past weekend. With some of the best in the world of the discipline, François’s first step into skyrunning world turned into a European title.

The French athlete has put to good use his years of competing at international level in orienteering for the first time last year, at the famous Sierre-Zinal Skyrunning race.
Taking 4th place in the fastest time ever ran by a French runner, he had proven his potential but never came back to confirm it… until this past weekend in Chamonix.

François will be racing this coming weekend at the SCOTT Pierra Menta team race with a fellow runner from the Jura area Xavier Thévenard (ASICS). A week later he’ll be in Val d’Isère to race the second VK of the Skyrunner World Series.

Stay tuned for updates on these races !

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