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Gore-Tex Transalpine

11 settembre 2014

8 stages, 293 km, 14000D+, 2 teammates!!!

Sounds like an exciting adventure… in reality, it was FANTASTIC!!!

David PASQUIO and Pascal GIGUET ( TEAM SCOTT-ODLO-LED LENSER ) attended the 10th edition of the famous Gore-Tex Transalpine Run. Starting in Ruhpolding (ALL), our 2 trail-runners were aiming for a TOP 5 finish.

They actually made it onto the podium, crossing the finish line in Sexten (Ita) in 3rd position overall and 1st in the Master category. It was a wonderful adventure for them, full of friendship and beautiful landscapes, but also with some difficult moments, when they had to overcome doubt, cumulation of very long distances and fatigue.

The shoe choice has been very important for this race and the Kinabalus HS and Aztec HS proved their great performance on this course.

More info: http://en.transalpine-run.com/

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