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SCOTT LCG Takes Another "Gear of the Show" Award

01 febbraio 2013

SCOTT's new Lens Change Goggle (LCG) is attracting a lot of attention.  Just a week after receiving "Best in Show" awards from Gear Institute and Gear Junkies at the Outdoor Retailer tradeshow, Outside Magazine has chosen the LCG for its "Gear of the Show" award at the 2013 SnowSports Industries America Snow Show.

Outside Magazine's Kyle Dickman writes, "Many goggles feature an interchangeable lens system...the different is SCOTT's system is simple enough that you'll actually change your lenses on the slopes."  Dickman also points out that the LCG "comes with two lenses that nest inside a slick wallet-like case."

The LCG product highlight video can be viewed here and the goggle itself will be out this fall.  If you're at SIA, swing by booth 3342 to take a look at the LCG and the rest of SCOTT's 13/14 product line.

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