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Lorraine Huber is back in the game

04 febbraio 2015
In 2014 SCOTT rider Lorraine Huber did a beautiful season, which took her all the way to a 2nd overall place in the Freeride World Tour. Her plans to top that and go for the World Championship this season looked like they were going to be ruin a few weeks ago when Lorraine got the message from her doctor that her MRI showed an infracture (a partial fracture) of her talus bone.

With the first stop of Freeride World Tour in Chamonix, France starting just a few days after her visit to the doctor, she had to sit that one out and hope for the best for the second stop in Fieberbrunn, Austria. But to miss one competition means that you don't only miss the skiing, but also very important points for the overall ranking.

Three days before the stop in Fieberbrunn, Lorraine manage to get off the crushes and started to ski. She had two ski days after her injury when she started in Fieberbrunn. The face was difficult with lots of bushes and sharks sticking up. She managed to ski her line with a solid performance and fluidity, which took her all the way up on the podium and a 3rd place.

We are super stoked to see Lorraine back in the game and we wish you all the best for Vallnord, Andorra in a couple of weeks! 

Our other Scott Team riders did also a solid performance with

Ski Women

Jackie Paaso 6th

Janina Kuzma 7th

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