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SCOTT Mission WOW Backcountry skills camp

22 febbraio 2012

An introduction to winter backcountry touring, designed by women, for women, aiming to inspire and encourage those who want to challenge themselves to reach their full potential and meet like-minded individuals.

SCOTT MISSION WOW presents a unique weekend adventure opportunity female for skiers and snowboarders.  With two successful years under the belt, this third year the camp will stride confidently out of the Chamonix Valley and over to Switzerland.  The camp will be coached, led and inspired by some of Europe’s top female mountain guides.

The goal of the event is to provide an affordable fun, non-threatening environment that encourages women to step into the backcountry, developing skills and experiences to share with like-minded individuals. 

The journey will take the women to L’Hospice du Grand-St-Bernard, a 10th century monastery founded by St Bernard to give shelter to traders passing over the col. There is comfortable accommodation (beds with sheets and showers), a fascinating museum, chapel and treasury.

If you’re asking yourself ‘Is this for me?’ and you have good general fitness, can make effective turns off-piste and are up for an adventure, then YES it is! SCOTT touring skis and skins will be available to borrow for the whole weekend and back-country safety gear will on hand for those who don’t have their own yet. Transport will be arranged from Chamonix and also a pick-up service from the nearest train station at Orsières

SCOTT MISSION WOW is set to shake up the Valais valley with their affordable, refreshing and engaging winter event concept.

Details and online registration are available at: www.missionwow.org 


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