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Women's Touring Ski of the Year - Fall Line

01 gennaio 2018

Since 1991 Fall Line Magazine has been the leading publication for Backcountry skiers in the UK. Every year they test just about every piece of kit to find the best for their coveted and widely recognised awards.

What did they think about our Superguide 88: 

"Scott have pulled off a blinder with the newwomen’s Superguide 88, cramming a fullboreall-mountain gun into the lightweight body ofa slim touring ski. They’re seriously capable offpisteand a joy to skin on, but we were blown awayby how well they carve on piste. Not just good for a 1.2kg/ski touring stick; simply good – no caveat.They have a lightweight Paulownia core in asandwich sidewall construction, topped with anelliptical topsheet made of a swanky carbon matrixwith 0° stringers to bring pop to the longitudinalfl ex and 45° stringers for maximum torsionalstiffness; and fi nished with an aramid bottom layerto soak up unwanted vibrations.Shape is as exotic as build: there’s a straightsection underfoot for stability and easier pivotingplus shorter turn radii in tip and tail for better turninitiation. The Pro-Tip 320 rocker gives fl oat oversoft snow and they punch through crust. The skinattachment system works well too.The same stiffness that leads to great carvingbrings exceptional hold on icy slopes, both up anddown. They’re confi dent, whatever the conditions."

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