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Sarah True

Year of birth: 1981
Height: 172cm
Weight: 61kg
Hometown: Hanover, New Hampshire

Athlete talk

What is your Triathlon background? When and why did you start?
After trying many sports growing up, I gravitated towards running and swimming. It seemed only natural to add cycling and become a triathlete. While I did a few triathlons when I was younger, I didn't become a triathlete until after I finished my university studies. 

What was your reason for picking Triathlon?
Triathlon picked me! I love the challenge of balancing three sports.  

What’s your favorite part about riding for SCOTT?
Getting to ride the fastest, coolest bike on the market.

What are your future goals? What keeps you going during the off season, if you ever have an off season?
I don't know what the future will hold, but it will be great!  Being at home and getting to play outside on New Hampshire trails keeps me going during the off season. 

What are your favorite Triathlons - where are we going to find you training most often?
My favorite triathlons are races where there are tons of spectators; I love getting energy from the crowds. I train all over the world, but my favorite place is at home in New Hampshire. The riding up in northern New England is incredible.  

What inspires you to keep going each season?
Quite simply, my love for the sport keeps me going. I love what I do and wake up excited to train every morning.