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Kalle Johansson

Name: Kalle Johansson
Nicknames: KJ
Birthdate: Jan 7 1982
Nationality: Swedish
Home Mountain: Klimpfjall

Athlete talk

How and when did you start riding, how has it evolved ever since, and what  got you into sledding?

I grew up on a small farm in northern Sweden. Snowmobiles were used in the daily work during winter months: Packing winter roads, hauling firewood, making ski tracks etc. My own snowmobile has been on the top of my Christmas list since I was 3 but it took till I was 14 that I could buy my first own sled. Before that I was boon docking around on a 24" wide track work sled that has more air miles than most other sleds. A lot has happened since then but I mostly enjoy being out in the nature with friends finding new spots to ride.


What is your favorite riding spot ?

Whistler BC


Who were your idols growing up ?

Gunde Svan (Nordic skier) He always said "nothing is impossible"


Do you have any specific goals for your riding in your future ?

I want to enjoy the sport for a long time and pass on what I learned to the next generation.


Any activities that aren't sled-related ?

Well I usually bring my sled to the lake in the summer so I guess that's a no.


Please answer, if possible, with one word only.

Band : Eddie Meduza

Movie : Documentaries

Book :

Drink : Tea

Food : homemade

Country : Sweden

Car : Volvo

Place to ride : Whistler


What do you like about SCOTT ?

They never let me down


What SCOTT products are you using this year ?



Who are your other sponsors ?

Slednecks, full lotus decks, KTH industries, Route99 motorsports, BCA, CFR Racing, Munster finger throttles, RideWhistler,


Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years ?

On a sled in my favorite riding spot and good friends.


People you feel you need to thank:

Friends and family.