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Chris Jones

Chris Jones

Name: Chris Jones
SCOTT Athlete since: 2021
D.O.B: 21/05/1986
Nationality: Welsh
Hometown: Sheffield

I started running in 2018 after a knee ligament tear put my fledgling football career on an indefinite hiatus. Spending most of my time running local trails around Sheffield and the Peak District I joined Team Accelerate-SCOTT in 2020. I like to race roads through the summer and trails through the autumn and my best performances have come from up to half marathon distance. I particularly enjoy the coaching and training environment of the team and we get together three times a week for various track, hills, technique, and strength sessions. Outside of running I work as an academic and researcher in the field of sustainable food choices, although the real job is being a dad to twin boys.

Athlete talk

Round Sheffield Run ‘23 – 1st pair (with fellow team athlete Harvey Martin)
Anglesey 10k ‘22 – 1st 
Rotherham 10k ‘22 – 2nd
Wildest Peaks Trail Race ’19 – 1st and CR

3 facts we don’t know about Chris: 
1-    I am doing a PhD at University of Leeds in sustainable food menu design. 
2-    I once cooked for the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire in their private residence at Chatsworth House.
3-    In my younger days, I did some stage acting alongside famous faces such as Prunella Scales, Andrew Howard and Michael Sheen.

Favourite Race: Wooler Trail Half Marathon, Northumberland. Great memories of going up with the team in ’22 and putting in a really strong team performance.
Favourite SCOTT product: Scott Pursuit Ride – They fit like a glove and are great for pretty much any kind of run.
A quote you live by: “Comparison is the thief of joy”.
Motivational song: New Noise by the Swedish punk band Refused