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SCOTT Running Team

Jana Klaiber

Name: Jana Klaiber
SCOTT Athlete since: 2024
D.O.B:  09.10.1997
Nationality: German
Hometown: grew up in the black forest/ living in Tübingen right now

Growing up in a cross-country skiing family, sports were always a big part of my life.
As long as I can think, I spent my winters skiing with friends and traveling to competitions.
After I stopped competing in cross-country skiing, I still loved to be outside and run, bike or
ski. With an unstoppable enjoyment for outside adventures, in 2022, I signed myself up for
my first trail race.
I loved everything about it and signed up for another one..

Athlete talk

7th Overall Golden Trail National Series DACH 2023

3 fun facts to learn about me: 
1 -
I am working as a police officer
2 - would love to be a morning person - but I’m not
3 - camping over all-inclusive holidays

Favourite race:  Pitz Alpine Glacier Trail
Favourite SCOTT product: Scott RC Run Longsleeve
A quote you live by: You can do hard things”
Motivational song: do not really have one, depends on the mood