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Maria Christen

Maria Christen

Name: Maria Christen
SCOTT Athlete since: 2023
Nationality: Switzerland
Hometown: Hospental, Switzerland

In the spring of 2017, I completed my secondary education in Engelberg and thus ended my career as an alpine ski racer. However, the following summer, I made the decision to try my hand at a different sport, cross-country skiing. I realized that something was missing, and I saw it as a new challenge. Through my performances in the winter of 2017/18, I was able to qualify for the ZSSV 2018/19 cross-country skiing team, and I have been on the narrow skis ever since. I have already celebrated many beautiful moments and successes, but also some tough ones, all of which contribute to my growth as an athlete. My passion for endurance sports is not new; I have participated in various track and mountain races since I was young, making me a very ambitious runner. However, with alpine skiing, I did not have much time to participate in competitions. With the switch to cross-country skiing, I have been able to participate in mountain races again in recent years, and I realized how much I missed it. In addition, I was able to gain valuable and positive experiences during my first trail run in Zermatt. I am looking forward to the challenges ahead. Aside from training, I also love to climb with an ice axe and crampons, and I have developed a great passion for mountaineering, which complements my sport perfectly and brings me the necessary energy for everyday life. 

1st Trailrun La Thuile (Italy), 2022 
2nd Ultraks Zermatt, 2022 
2nd Swiss Canyon Trail, 2022 
2nd Ultraks Zermatt, 2020 

Athlete talk

3 fun facts to learn about me:  
1-    I love to ski, especially ski mountaineering.
2-    When I was young, I skied on alpine skis, and I only switched to endurance sports when I turned 20.
3-    I grew up on a farm

Favourite race: Zermatt Ultraks 
Favourite SCOTT product: Trailrunningshoe Supertrac RC 2 
A quote you live by: Controll o
Motivational song: Bon Jovi, It’s my life