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SCOTT Running Team

Rémy Bastien

Name: Rémy Bastien
SCOTT Athlete since: 2023
D.O.B: 1/14/2004
Nationality: Belgium
Hometown: Boninne, belgium
I started trail during the lockdown, being already a good athlete, I was able to evolve very quickly and was capable to win several races, had fun and achieved great performances with a beautiful title of Belgian junior mountain race champion.

After that I was able to join the SCOTT benelux team, it motivates me to progress, perform and reach new heights under the colors of the TEAM

'- Belgian champion mountain racing Junior 2023
- Winner trail du beaujolais nouveau 17km 2021
- 2x Winner trail du hoyoux 14km 2021/2022
- Winner trail des chevreuils 10km 2022
- 2th Trail des lumeçons 8km 2022
- 1th junior aymon trail 20km 2023
- Winner trail des valées du chevalier 2023, 22km
- 2th chouffe trail 18km 2023

Athlete talk


3 fun facts to learn about me:  
1-    I love the mountains
2-    I prefer the trails to the road
3-    I am a fan of technical descents

Favourite race: Trail des vallées du chevalier ( because it’s at home) 
Favourite SCOTT product: SCOTT Supertrac RC 2
A quote you live by: who dares wins
Motivational song: Vengeance-iwilldiehere