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Simon Möst

Name: Simon Moest
Birthdate: May 5, 1978
Nationality: Austria/Tirol
Home Mountain: Kaunertal

Athlete talk

How and when did you start skiing, how has it evolved ever since and what got you into freeskiing?
I started when I was 3.5 years old. My uncle took me out discovering this whole new world of fun in my home resort Kaunertal. Skiing has been a part of me and my life ever since. The move into freeriding came naturally as fresh powder and untouched lines are simply the best playground in the world.

What does skiing mean to you personally?
It means freedom to me and I feel fortunate to be able to combine work and play.

What were your 3 biggest accomplishments on hill and why?
…to be come a mountain guide.

What aspect of skiing thrills you the most?
Being in the backcountry with all what nature has to offer. Every day is different.

In what conditions and what terrain do enjoy riding the most?
Fresh powder of course – and sunshine.

Any activities that aren’t ski related?
Climbing, mountaineering, mountain biking…

How do you manage to combine family/ friends and job?
Thanks to my wife and my family who support me during the season and take care of my twins.

Please answer, if possible, with one word only.
Drink: beer
Food: meet
Country: Austria
Resort:  all around my hometown
Car: VW Polo 2000 with ski racks

What do you like about SCOTT?
Head to toe with performance and style – simply no short cuts.

What are your favorite SCOTT products?
I really like the Cascade 110 Ski in combination with the Superguide Skiboots.

What SCOTT products are you using this year?
Cascade 110, Superguide skiboot, googles, SCOTT Explorair PRO GTX jacket and pant.

Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?
Hopefully still skiing.

What sponsors do you ride for besides SCOTT?

What’s playing on your iPod right now?
No iPod.

People you feel you need to thank?
The whole SCOTT community for supporting me. Thanks.