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Re-fuel Day | Cape Epic - Stage 2

21 marzo 2017

As the temperature climbed in the high 30s at the Absa Cape Epic for the third day in a row, any grumbles about shortening Stage 2 on Tuesday to 62km instead of 102km from Hermanus to Elandskloof near Greyton melted away and was replaced by chatter about the hot racing up front. But for most racers, today was all about recovering and fueling-up from yesterday`s brutal heat.

“Quite a few people underestimate drinking in these extreme conditions”, Olympic Champion Nino Schurter says. “Yesterday, we were one of them when we unfortunately just passed Water point 3 without fueling up. Regeneration and the right nutrition are key to keep the level up and to actually reach the finish line here every day at the Cape Epic.” A must: Recovery drinks, healthy food, carbs, and massages. “We also take a quick ice bath every day to get our blood circulating in the legs.” Additional naps in the afternoon are also key according to Olympic Champion Jenny Rissveds.  

The Cape Epic organizers provide food for 1350 racers every day, 35,350 calories throughout the week per athlete. 1 tonne of pasta will be served at the end of the 8 day stage race.

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