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10 8月 2016

Mirka and Vojta from Czech Republic are traveling around the world by moto with our SCOTT Onroad gear. We are delighted to accompany them with our Dualraid DP and Ergonimic Pro DP for men and women. Beginning of June we brought our first news about the adventurous couple and now, 2 months later, we got in touch again to see how Mirka`s and Vojta`s trip is going. Read about their experiences with our gear in the following interview.2-dsc-3662-1742412-dsc-3571-175077It has been a while that we have heard from you. How are you and how is your trip going?

We are fine thank you. We are on the way for more than 100 days already and our trip is quite adventurous. To be honest, it has not always been easy but the trip is fun. Mirka`s fuel pump died in the middle of nowhere, we had to change our planned route due to massive rock slides closing the one and only border between Georgia and Russia, we had to starve a bit during Ramadan in Iran, and so on. But nothing too serious though, which is good.


Where are you right now?

Currently we are in Osh, Kyrgyzstan. We have a 4x4 car and go around Pamirs and some remote valleys. In the meantime our bikes get some maintenance but we will hit the road again tomorrow.


Which countries did you visit since we wrote the last news about you on our website?

Since you wrote the last news we crossed Turkey, went to Iran and back to Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Now we are back in Kyrgyzstan.


How many kilometers have you been riding until now?

Until now we have approximately been riding 18.000km.


If you have to define a highlight during your trip, what is it?

It is too difficult to pick only one highlight but among our favorites are the Bartang valley in Pamirs, the Aral sea, fresh bananas in Turkey and the hospitality of people in Iran.2-dsc-3620-175078Are you still traveling everyday with our SCOTT Dualraid gear?

Yes of course. There is absolutely no reason for a change.


What is your opinion about the SCOTT Dualraid gear?

So far, we are super happy with the gear. It is comfortable and very durable. After wearing it every day since four months we have not found any weaknesses. We rather consider it as “work gear” than a fashion outfit for our trip. But we have to point out that when it’s clean the gear is really nice looking. That reminds me that we have to wash it soon. ;)


What are the strengths of the gear for you?

Big strengths are for sure durability and good ventilation. The Dualraid DP and of course the Ergonomic DP are good for many different weather conditions. In addition, we really like the shoulder, elbow and knee protectors - they are really comfortable to wear and you don’t feel them at all anymore after they get to body temperature. Also the fit is perfect. The gear is nowhere too short or too long – it simply fits.2-dsc-2850-175079Is there anything that could be improved with our SCOTT Dualraid gear?

Well first, I have the 2016 Dualraid DP model and Mirka is testing the 2017 one. It’s very cool to see a big progress that has been made. For example: The “old” model does not have such good ventilation on the pants than the “new” one. Also more magnets on the 2017 model are very beneficial and easy to use when riding. One thing that Mirka pointed out is back ventilation on the new Dualraid DP jacket. When it’s open the Velcro is catching her hair. This could be replaced by magnets in our opinion. Other than that we don`t have anything to add.


Were there particular moments where your SCOTT gear was absolutely helpful for you? If yes, which moments?

Yes there was a moment in Kazakhstan where we were very happy to have the SCOTT gear with us. It was when Mirka`s fuel pump died in the middle of nowhere. Suddenly, while we were trying to solve the problem, we experienced very heavy rain and the Ergonomic DP gear saved us as there was not a single spot around where we could hide. The gear is excellent to keep dry. Luckily we haven`t got the chance yet to test the gear during a crash which is also not our goal.2-dsc-3348-174236Have you had any other SCOTT Onroad products before?

No this is the first time we tried SCOTT Onroad gear.


Have you had any other SCOTT products in general?

I’m afraid that the answer is no again. Maybe we have had some textiles like T-shirts but that`s it.

What is your impression about the SCOTT brand?

For us SCOTT always has been about bicycles and skis - maybe also Enduro in the last years. I’ve seen some old motorcycle jackets but have never known that SCOTT is so active in Moto as well which is good. What I can say about the brand is that the SCOTT is definitely gaining more and more fans in Czech Republic.


Is there anything else you would like to add regarding the Dualraid gear that I have not asked?

The colors that you offer are very nice and good looking. Mirka especially likes the grey/yellow Dualraid DP for women.2-dsc-2626-1750802-dsc-3677-175081Are you interested in testing more SCOTT products in the future?

For sure we would love to test more gear from you! We would also like to test and wear some casual outfits from SCOTT which we could wear during our free time while exploring the world by moto.


Where is your trip leading you next?

We need to be in Mongolia in the second week of August to cross it safely before winter is coming. After that we would like to see Lake Baikal and travel through Siberia to get to Vladivostok. From there we are shipping our motorbikes to Japan to see this country in the most beautiful time of the year – autumn.
