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Juan Bergada

Name: Juan Bergada

Age: 26 years

Natonality: Argentina

Home Mountains:  Chapelco, Arlberg

Genre of skiing: Freeride and backcountry freestyle

Athlete talk

How and when did you start skiing, how has it evolved ever since and what got you into freeskiing?Back home in San Martin de los Andes, Argentina & the Arlberg as a little kid , I stopped from 11 to 19 , that’s when it got popular I guess , the freesking movement , anyways I have the best memories freeriding as a little kid  , some runs  I still do now a days ! But when I got back into skiing in 2007 I discovered the twin tips and park skiing, this just couldn’t get any better since I`ve skated many years in my teenage years in Miami , then from 08 till present dedicated most of my time in winter to riding and exploring the backcountry. Basically like everything in life that makes you happy , that’s the main thing, fun, that gets you into that in the first place,but then adding where you practice this, in some of the most beautiful places in the world , best views , best vibes , best friends , best feelings . The pureness of life , the soul is happy !

Who were/are your idols on and off the hill?

 Candide Thovex , nature and its fantastic animals, Oscar Sosa , Master IP , all of family and friends!

What does skiing mean to you personally?

A way to express my emotions , from positive to negative ones. A connection with the mountains and nature which clearly awakens my spirit and the art to love unendless!

What were your 3 biggest accomplishments on hill and why?

 Qualifying for the FWT , because I`ve competed 3 years before on the FWQ , so it wasn’t an easy road! Riding constant  powder since 08 at Arlberg , because  powder is good for your soul!

All the friends I made along the way, good people , and different countries with their diverse mountains !

What aspect of skiing thrills you the most? 

Every aspect to be honest, the change is what makes everything in life fun…but for sure steep and exposed walls are the ones that take getting into the zone to the next level.

In what conditions and what terrain do enjoy riding the most? 

Powder feels the best on the knees ;) but in the end if skiing makes you happy the condition is the least important. I love it all: Treesking , steep couloirs, soul runs , spines , exposed faces, urban/ park , yea.. Everything J 

Any activities that aren’t ski related?

Skateboarding, climbing, graffiti ,running ,yoga, sleeping

How do you manage to combine family/ friends and job?

Easy I just live my life in a simple way, like this I have no problems managing the above.


Please answer, if possible, with one word only.

Trick/Move: ollie

Movie: jumanji

Book: el peregrino de compostela

Drink: water

Food: Asado

Country: Argentina

Resort: chapelco/arlberg

Car: ChevroLEGS


What do you like about SCOTT? 

The quality, different model variety and style but yet with the simplicity to stay humble

What are your favorite SCOTT products? 

The Scrapper ski, LCG goggles

What SCOTT products are you using this year? 


Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years? 

Higher and farther

What sponsors do you ride for besides SCOTT? 

Skibase Arlberg

People you feel you need to thank.

My family for putting up with me all these years, God, the Universe, Scott Sports for always believing in me

What’s playing on your iPod right now? 

Amadou & Mariam - Politic Amagni "La Politique, C'est Pas Bon"