"No Shortcuts" defines the SCOTT spirit of doing things the right way, for the right reasons.

It's how we see product design and it embodies the true beauty of sport - the greatest personal achievements aren't accidents, they are hard-earned and well deserved."

It was also our mindset when making our brand movie.

We exist to provide athletes with innovative gear, inspiring them to push themselves to their limits.

We make them for those who are going to do what they do whether there’s anyone watching or not.

We believe in ambition, passion and dedication just as much as we believe in design, innovation and technology.

We like to think that those who use our products are a lot like we are.
They have the same sense of modest confidence.
They have the same knowledge that perfection is unattainable, but there’s no bigger thrill than trying to reach it.

We love those people because we understand them, and there’s nothing more important than giving them what they need to enjoy the experiences they crave.


There are 24 turns before your next thought.

Every stride marks a new start line

Measure life in pedal strokes

Does this gutchurn feel familiar?

"Cycling is about your relationship with the journey – the enthusiasm / work / passion you put into the experience is equal to what you’ll get out of it.

There are those who just bike, and those who live to bike."

"Wintersports is about testing yourself – seeing the possibilities that you are presented and pushing yourself to seize the greatest challenges.

When the opportunity to ski a new line arises, you can either stare it down, or look away."

"Running is about personal progress – about seeing yourself get from Point A to Point B faster, with more confidence, better than last time.

There are no shortcuts when it comes to improving your performance."

"Motosports is about the rush – when it comes to finding the truest gratification in motosports, there are no shortcuts.

Your brain needs to sweat with anticipation and exhilaration."