
Cyril Viennot

Year of birth: 1982
Height: 179cm
Weight: 75kg
Hometown: Beauvais, France
Native of Dole in France, Cyril was born in 1982 and started triathlon in 1997. Despite consistent world-class results, Cyril worked as a sports teacher beside being a professional triathlete. At the beginning of 2014, he decided to give it a go as a fulltime professional in 2014 and beside winning IM Bolton, finished an excellent fifth at the World Championships in Hawaii scoring the best French result in the history of this legendary event. In 2015, he claimed the World Long Distance Championship title and finished an excellent 6th at the IM World Championships in Hawaii proofing an impressive consistency in one of the most difficult races of the year.

Athlete talk

What is your Triathlon background? When and why did you start?
I did a lot of different sports when I was young, Gymnastics, Tennis, a little of Soccer and more.  I did my first triathlon when I was 12 years old. My uncle was a triathlete and he registered me for my first competition.

What was your reason for picking Triathlon?
At the beginning, it was because I was happy with my results and I had some good friends at my Triathlon Club. 

What’s your favorite part about riding for SCOTT?
Every time that SCOTT presents a new bike I’m really excited and can’t wait to ride it for the first time. 

What are your future goals?
My main goal is to achieve a top 5 in Hawaii.

What keeps you going during the off season, if you ever have an off season?
My off season is quite short, but what keeps me going is the fact that I still want to increase my level, and I want to find out if I’m able to realize my goals.

What are your favorite Triathlons - where are we going to find you training most often?
I really like IM races. Most often I train at home in Beauvais, France.

What inspires you to keep going each season?
Some performances of other athletes inspire me when I'm not in great shape and keep me going!

What music do you listen to when training or before a race?
No music, just concentration!

Do you have a favorite pre-race food?
Not really, but like a lot of athletes I eat a lot of pasta before races!

Do you have any funny habits that you have to do before you race?
Not really... I'm not superstitious at all.

When your season is over what is the food you have to have?
All the food I try to avoid normally: fast food, ice cream, beers, etc...