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Joseph Gray Takes Top Spot on Podium at Mount Washington Road Race and Ryan Bak Places Fifth

24 juin 2014

Joseph Gray Takes Top Spot on Podium at Mount Washington Road Race and Ryan Bak Places Fifth

Scott athletes did very well at the historic all-uphill run that draws thousands of runners from across New England, throughout the U.S. and from countries as close as Canada and as far away as Kenya, to make the grueling climb to the summit of the highest peak in the Northeast.

Two Scott athletes conquered this race on Saturday June 21st. Joseph Gray took the top spot on the podium finishing in under an hour, the second fastest time of any American on the course. Gray finished in 59:09 and joined the small group of 8 runners in the history of the race to break the hour barrier. 

“Gray lined up his fist pump even before he got to the finish line and then let it go, wearing a huge smile, as he broke the tape. He was fourth in his debut in 2008, third in 2009 and 2010, and runner-up in each of the last two years. This year’s race as all his.” 

Eric Blake, defending champ, came in second finishing in 1:00:01, Sage Canday finished in 1:01:30 and two newcomers to the race, Zach Miller and Ryan Bak, came in fourth and fifth.

Ryan Bak another Scott running athlete finished the race in 1:03:38 close behind third and fourth place. Scott running athletes continue to make their mark in mountain running putting their best foot forward.


Photo Credit: Joe Viger Photography and Scott Mason Photo

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