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Reinaldo Colucci wins 70.3 Pucon

17 gennaio 2013

Colucci, the 2010 Pucon champion and a 2012 London Olympian, finished in 4:04:12 and outsprinted Argentina-born Italian Daniel Fontana, the 2005 and 2011 Pucon champion, by 3 seconds. Chile’s Felipe Van de Wyngard took the final spot on the podium in a time of 4:08:43. 

Colucci started the run with a 3-minute lead and his 3rd-fastest 1:21:07 split held on by a thread to Fontana’s race-best 1:17:30 charge on the 13.1-mile run. Felipe Van de Wyngard's 3rd-best 26:46 swim and 4th-fastest 2:16:03 bike split provided him enough cushion so that his 4th-fastest 1:22:00 run held off by 2:56 the 2nd-fastest 1:18:49 run of Marcel Zamora , who took 4th in 4:11:39. (report from slowtwitch.com) 

Reinaldo after the race: “During the run I could cope  well with the pace and I went into the last lap of 7 km still more than 2 min in front of Daniel Fontana who was second. However, my power was gone after a while and I could not hold my speed anymore, what made Fontana get very close to me. Luckily, I was able to give a last surge with 200 m to the finish line and scored the victory only by 3 seconds!  It was a very, very tough day but I am so proud to get my third win in Pucon after 2008 and 2010. There is no better way to start the season!”


1. Reinaldo Colucci (BRA) 4:04:12

2. Daniel Fontana (ITA) 4:04:15

3. Felipe Van de Wyngard (CHI) 4:08:43

4. Marcel Zamora (ESP) 4:11:39

5. Santiago Ascenco (BRA) 4:14:20

6. Mario de Elias (ARG) 4:14:45

7. Luke McKenzie (AUS) 4:15:30

8. Guilherme Manocchio (BRA) 4:16:24

9. Lucas Cocha (ARG) 4:17:36

10. Ben Hoffman (USA) 4:18:10

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