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SCOTT Contessa Riding Day in Emmetten

03 giugno 2014

The first Contessa Riding day of 2014 took place in Switzerland. Emmetten was for us, and for many participants, a previously unknown territory but knowing what we know now, we will definitely keep this region in mind in the future! We were totally stoked for the trails and the natural bike park and had the best setting for our ride.

The sun would only make an appearance a little bit later in the day, yet all 16 girls were motivated and excited to test the bikes. Sereina and Sarah from SCOTT were there early to manage the release of the Spark, Genius, and Genius LT test bikes. With a morning croissant boost, we kicked off the afternoon tour on Saturday. We were split into three groups, guided by Contessa girls Fien, Lisa, and Karen. The riders enjoyed not only the testing but also the tips and tricks from the guides Sereina and Sarah.  After small snacks, drinks and giving out goodie bags we said our goodbyes to the happy group.

A big thanks goes out to Valentino from the Bike Arena, Thomas and Alex from Emmetten Tourismus and Edwin from Velo Frank for their support, organization and help.

We are already looking forward to the next Riding Day at the Tegernsee



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