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Clash of Nations

13 aprile 2015

With spring right around the corner we wanted to finish up winter with a bang. The end of March took us up to Flaun, Sweden for one of the biggest Snowmobile events of the year. The 2015 Clash of Nations was as huge success after last year’s unfortunate cancelation, due to bad weather. The weekend event was packed with spectators excited to check out competitions in Snowmobile, Downhill and Freestyle Motocross.

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As in the past, Scott Sports was one of the main sponsors of the event. The track was decorated with Scott flags, banners and an even arch. Even more thrilling, the new 2016 Snowmobile collection was previewed in an onsite SCOTT booth. For the first time the public was able to see the new LCG Snow Cross goggle with the easy lens replacement system. Also featured in the booth were the new Comp-Pro, DS Pro and Team concepts for spectators to appreciate.

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Contributing to the exciting weekend our Scott riders performed well in many of the events. Most notably, Emil Öhman added to his already successful season with victories in both the Super Snowcross Pro Open class and in the Head-2-Head race.

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We are looking forward to next year where we can again be part of this great event.

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