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Colby Raha Wins X Games Real Moto Gold

02 ottobre 2020

For the second year in a row, Colby Raha won the Gold medal in the prestigious X Games Real Moto competition. This event sees five of the world’s best moto athletes and filmers team up to create their best possible one-minute video part that is then submitted to a panel of expert X Games judges.

With a video part that consisted of a wide mix of huge jumps in iconic locations, street riding, dune gaps, the first dirt bike grind on a hand rail and a gnarly jump over a moving train in the SoCal hills, the panel of judges saw fit to reward the Californian Husqvarna rider with the top honors. 



This year Colby teamed up with legendary filmmaker Jay Schweitzer ( On The Pipe Series) to produce a part that not only had the highest level of riding, but the highest level of cinematography in the game and the results speak for themselves.

“I wanted to step my game up. I know the competition is gnarly so I hired Jay to come out with the helicopter. It’s nice to have someone who is such a professional come in and kill it and bring ideas to the table that I couldn’t do on my own.” Colby Raha

“Working with Raha, he’s just ignited that flame again, now I’m just a psyched as I was in 1997 to get back out there and shoot and I owe all that to Raha.” Jay Schweitzer

Watch Colby’s now legendary Gold medal video part here: 



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