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Welcome To The Team Jason Anderson

04 gennaio 2021

For 2021, Rockstar Energy Husqvarna Factory Racing team rider Jason Anderson will be competing in the 450 class of the Monster Energy Supercross series and the Lucas Oil Pro Motocross outdoor series in the USA with SCOTT goggles.

Known for his unwavering determination, extensive bike skills and wild style, the 2014 250 AMA Monster Energy Supercross champion and 2018 450 AMA Monster Energy Supercross champion will be looking to repeat his former success in the premier class in 2021.

“The Jason and SCOTT relationship goes way back, as he was a huge part of our elite amateur team for many years.  We are super excited to be working together again, and while Jason brings a much-needed level of enthusiasm and fun back into racing, we are confident he will also put SCOTT goggles on the top step of the 450 podium.  We look forward to a successful 2021 season and beyond.”  John Knowles, SCOTT USA Athlete Manager

We are very excited to have ‘El Hombre’ on board the team and are looking forward to seeing him riding for SCOTT in 2021.


See you at the races!


Photo credit: Simon Cudby

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