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A successful weekend for SCOTT athletes

22 ottobre 2012
Last weekend was a busy one for Scott athletes who were engaged in events all over Italy.

On Saturday Marco de Gasperi took part in the vertical kilometer in Fully near Martigny/ Switzerland. This race is described as one of the most difficult in the world (distance 1950m with an ascent of 1000m).  Marco had a strong race and finished fourth though could have been at a disadvantage with many of the competitors deciding to use poles which Marco had decided against.
This was only the start of the weekend for “Super Marco”, who made the long journey from Martigny to Limone del Garda/ Italy for the “Skyrunning Italian Championship” (23km + 2400m). With an incredible race (and wearing his Scott T2C) Marco not only won the race but also set a new record of 2h 13s. Following close behind Marco and finishing in second position was another Scott athlete, Tadei Pivk (again wearing the new Scott T2 Kinabalu). With this strong result and with the victory one month ago in the “Sentiero delle Grigne” Tadei Pivk is now the overall Italian Champion. 

Other successful SCOTT athletes over the weekend were, Michael Monella (wearing SCOTT Race Rockers) who won the Trofeo Vanoni and became the Italian mountain relay champion and Paola Gariboldi (again with Race Rockers) who won the “provincial championship”.

All in all a fantastic weekend of racing in the mountains for the Scott athletes.

More images and report:

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