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SCOTT Sports takes off at Transvulcania

14 maggio 2014

SCOTT Sports joined the 2014 Skyrunner® World Series on the island of La Palma, Spain, for the iconic Transvulcania Ultramarathon and the new Transvulcania Vertical Kilometer® where, with three of their top athletes, made their mark - a win, a 6th and a 9th place!

SCOTT Sports, SWS official partner, is no stranger to skyrunning and is aiming to get a foothold in the 2014 world rankings with the inclusion of American Jodee Adams-Moore and Spaniard, Pablo Villa, in the ultra and distance event and Italian Elisa Desco in the Transvulcania Vertical Kilometer®.

Elisa Desco showed speed, endurance and climbing ability to dominate the Vertical Kilometer® on May 8. Weaving up the technical zigzag trail from the port of Tazacorte, Desco controlled her effort to precision and topped the podium in style.

Pablo Villa, also raced the Vertical Kilometer®, but his breakthrough performance came in the Ultra. The 2014 line-up for the Transvulcania Ultramarathon was the deepest field to date and of any race this distance. For Villa to place 9th and break into the top 10 was an extraordinary result - a great way to start the SCOTT Sports partnership in the Skyrunner® World Series.

Pablo Villa Transvulcania

Photo: Ian Corless ©iancorless.com

Jodee Adams-Moore recently placed 2nd behind Ellie Greenwood at Chuckanut 50k in the USA and 4th at Lake Sonoma. A fast lady, the trails of La Palma represented a challenge for much of the day. Pacing herself over the early stages, Adams-Moore moved into 3rd place on the trail only to suffer with tiredness and fatigue in the latter stages. However, with true fighting spirit, she dug deep, crossing the finish line in 6th position - a great result considering the enormous depth of the field.

Next stop on the Skyrunner® World Series will be one of the most challenging in the marathon distance, the Zegama-Aizkorri in Spain’s Basque Country, where SCOTT Sports will participate with Pablo Villa, fresh from his Transvulcania success, together with Stephan Wenk from Switzerland in his first skyrunning event. SCOTT Sports top athlete Marco De Gasperi will be setting the pace here with his long-time rival, World Champion, Kilian Jornet for an action-packed event on May 25.

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