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SCOTT Sports signs Dane Tudor on Outerwear and Skis

19 ottobre 2012

Sun Valley, ID, October 18th, 2012 -- SCOTT Sports is proud to announce that Dane Tudor has signed on to represent SCOTT Outerwear and Skis.  Dane, already on the team for Goggles and Poles, will now also be representing SCOTT for Skis, Outerwear including Gloves, Helmets, and Back Protection.  Tudor, coming off of a very successful season, with a win at Red Bull Cold Rush and a standout film segment with Poor Boyz Productions, is a young and talented athlete at the forefront of the progressive backcountry movement.

"We are pleased to have Dane be so involved in the program going forward.  We've recognized consistent growth in both the hardgood and softgood categories, and Dane is a critical addition in helping us with further promotion and development of the products.  His unique talents as a crossover skier who is bridging the gap between the resort and backcountry terrain, is an ideal fit for SCOTT's extensive line of freeski oriented skis and technical outerwear," added Adam Greene, Marketing Manager for SCOTT Sports.

Look for Dane to be rocking several exciting new SCOTT products this season.  To stay up on all the latest, please visit www.scott-sports.com and be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram @scottfreeski.



SCOTT Sports, Inc., established in 1958 and located in Sun Valley, Idaho, is a leading international manufacturer of premium wintersport, bike, running, and motorsport products.

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