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WC bronze for SCOTT`s Šárka Strachová

18 febbraio 2015

SCOTT's Šárka Strachová was glowing in the finish area after her 3rd place in WCS Slalom race on Saturday at Beaver Creek/Vail, US. This was her fourth medal at World Championships for the top Czech skier. Strachova had previously celebrated winning Slalom bronze in 2005. She went on to take the World Championship title in 2007 and in 2009 she won the silver medal.

She was third in the first run, only 0.44 sec. from a gold medal and with a solid and fast second run she passed the finish line as the leader. With both arms up in the air, screaming, she had nailed the medal, but what kind would it be?!

Only 0.04 sec. faster than Šárka, Frida Hansdotter from Sweden had a rock and roll second run all the way down and slightly passed Sarka with 0.39 sec. over the finish line. But the queen of the day turned out to be Michaela Schriffin from USA, with the fastest finish, which gave her the golden medal.

"My feeling wasn't as good as in the first run, but I was fast," said Strachova in an interview at the finish. "The second run was a fight and I put everything I had into the attack. It was close, but it was not enough. I am very proud to have won another medal for the Czech Republic."

On Sunday the ladies travelled directly to Maibor, Slovenia, where they have another World Cup competition this weekend coming up.


Photo Credit: GEPA Pictures

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