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Nino Schurter is back with more workouts for you to do at home or in your local gym. Intervals, balance, recovery, you name it, the World Champ gives you tips for getting FITTER, FASTER, and STRONGER in this new series.

"Over the past 17 years, the bike community has given me many great memories and emotions. Now it's time for me to give something back and show you my training secrets. Everyone's road to the top is unique, but once you're there the difference, the percentages between the best are incredibly narrow. With this series, I want to show you how I make the difference. "

Q & A with the Champ

Are you still motivated even though the season schedule is unknown and the Olympics are postponed?

A: It's indeed devastating. However, as an athlete, I'm familiar with adapting to unforeseen things. It's just like in a race getting a flat. You then have the choice of giving up or continue and make the best out of it. With the situation now, I'll go ahead positively with all I have.

What are some simple changes people can make to their gym workout to see a big improvement?

A: The simple change is to get started. And now is the perfect time for that. The good thing about gym workouts are you will feel an improvement in a very short time, which is motivating to continue and stay on it.

How are you using the extra time at home due to the coronavirus?

A: I'm blessed to live in a beautiful place, so staying more at home with the family is a very positive thing for me. In fact, I am enjoying the slower past of things after many years at a hectic pace.

Do you have a couple of words of advice for athletes out there struggling to stay motivated during these challenging times?

A: How each one of us reacts to difficult times is very individual. The thing that helps most in such situations is staying positive. If we can overlook the negatives and still see the positive in life, the motivation will be there at all times.

Previous episodes

EPISODE 1 Hittin' the Gym

EPISODE 2 Interval Training

EPISODE 3 Recovery

EPISODE 4 Strength Training at the Gym w/ Nino Schurter

EPISODE 5 Bike Skills w/ Nino Schurter