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Buying Advice: E-Enduro!

15 maggio 2019

"With the Scott Genius eRide 900 the Swiss brand offers an upper class E-Enduro. The riding characteristics are brilliant, the design very appealing and the large 29" wheels state of the art. The highlight on the overall well-balanced Genius eRide is the Fox suspension. Thanks to the Twin-Loc technology, the rear suspension travel can be reduced to 100 mm while driving or the whole suspension can be blocked completely. In our experience, on an E-MTB a system like this isn’t that much needed, but the travel reduction feels pretty good on the trail and has been actively used by our testers.

The fast Scott Genius eRide 900 would be our first choice if we went to the next high alpine Enduro tour or the next E-Enduro race - that's exactly why we award this one – Buying Advice: E-Enduro!"

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