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Editor’s Choice Award 2020

08 gennaio 2021

SCOTT Addict Gravel 10 – Cycling Weekly - Editor’s Choice Award 2020

“As much as I loved riding this bike around my local bridleways, a full carbon Addict frame with deep section carbon rims is just begging to be raced. I went out and got a few off-road KOM’s but I’d have liked to have pushed it a bit more. It was a little over-specced for the riding I did and if you don’t need an out and out race bike, or if you’d be wincing when hearing stones flick up and ding the underside of the down tube, you might want to go for a lower spec machine. But if you want Scott’s best you’ll enjoy the ride on steeper paths and having something so responsive in those instances when you have to kick on the pedals just to maintain momentum and avoid toppling off to the side. As a gravel racer, it’s a great bike, with a great spec. You’ll have to wait a while to race it, in the mean time enjoy hitting those hills out in the countryside.”

Read the full review here: https://www.cyclingweekly.com/reviews/gravel-bikes/scott-addict-gravel

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