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The SCOTT Spur sunglasses reviewed by BikeRadar.com

15 dicembre 2015

BikeRadar reviewed the SCOTT Spur sunglasses, and rate them 4,5/5 :

BikeRadar logo Test Award - Score 4.5 on 5"BikeRadar verdict : SCOTT's Spurs are a stylish pair of cycling shades that perform very, very well

[+] Highs: Great looks, fit, performance and price

[OK] Buy if: You want a pair of glasses that perform as nicely as they look

[...] The frame is designed to allow you to swap lenses quickly. Just fold the arm, pull on the lower section and it slides out of the way, allowing you to simply and swiftly remove the lens. It’s similar to the Switchlock system that Oakley uses on its RadarLock glasses – but is both less fiddly and quicker to operate.

[...] The package includes [two] lenses, a soft cleaning bag and a hard case, which makes the Spurs pretty good value for premium eyewear."

SOURCE : Find the whole article (EN) and details by visiting Bikeradar.com.

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