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Chris Brown

Name: Chris Brown

Nicknames: Browner

Birthdate: March 10

Nationality: Canadian/US

Home Mountain: Whistler


Homepage: www.ridewhistler.ca

Facebook Page: Ride Whistler

Instagram:  ride_whistler

Athlete talk

How and when did you start riding, how has it evolved ever since, and what got you into sledding ?

I bought my first sled in 1996 for ski access. I still use my sleds for ski access but I ride my sled a lot more than I ski now.


What is your favorite riding spot ?

I have three spots around Whistler/Pemberton that are my favourite in the world.


Who were your idols growing up ?

I don’t remember.


Do you have any specific goals for your riding in your future ?

I would like to explore more unridden areas around Coastal BC.


Any activities that aren't sled-related?

Dirt biking, Mt. Biking, fishing, skiing


Please answer, if possible, with one word only.

Band: Led Zeppelin

Movie: Forest Gump

Book: The Way of the Superior Man

Drink: Water

Food: Salmon

Country: Canada

Car: Truck

Place to ride: Whistler, BC


What do you like about SCOTT ?

No fog


What SCOTT products are you using this year ?

LCG Goggles


Who are your other sponsors ?


Polaire Engineered Lubricants

Top Secret Shop



Skins Protective Gear

Fox Racing Shox

Truckboss Decks


Cheetah Factory Racing

Himark by Snowpulse



Munster Finger Throttles


Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years ?

Same place I am now


People you feel you need to thank :

My parents, my sponsors, my girlfriend and my friends.