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Grant Clarke

Name: Grant Clarke

Birthday: Oct 18, 1984

Nickname: Granny

Hometown: Huntsville, Ontario

Athlete talk

How and when did you start riding, how has it evolved ever since, and what got you into sledding?

I started young since my family has been in the sled scene almost since it began with my grampa owning one of the first sleds in Ontario, to my dad racing for Factory Ski-Doo in the 70's.  I would say I started riding when I was around 10 years old on a little 340 fan cooled sled then progressed to snowcross racing.  I moved out to Whistler in 2007, and that's when I saw a whole new look at the sport and the direction it's heading in, so I jumped on board.

What is your favorite riding spot?

Pretty much any zone in the Whistler & Pemby area.

Who were your idols growing up?

My dad and my grandpa for sure, they have taught me so much over the years.

Do you have any specific goals for your riding in your future?

Other than continuing to have a great time in the backcountry, I would say avoiding injuries.

Any activities that aren't sled-related?

Well once the snow melts you'll find me on my downhill bike or at the local moto track, can't forget fishing and hanging out with my dog!


Please answer, if possible, with one word only.

Band: Classified

Movie: Indiana Jones

Book: Call of the Wild

Drink: Moosehead/Caeser

Food: Mexican

Country: Canada

Car: Toyota Tundra

Place to ride: anywhere with fresh...


What do you like about SCOTT?

I love the functionality, and the quality of all the gear.  It never lets me down.

What SCOTT products are you using this year?

Wearing a 350 Helmet with the Tyrant and Hustle Snowcross Goggles.  Then I'm rocking the Howell TP Jacket with the Sidehill GT Pants.  To end it off then I have the ever-so-warm and dry SCOTT X Trax Boot.

Who are your other sponsors?

Route 99 Motorsports, Slednecks.

Where would you like to see yourself in 5 years?

Pretty much doing the exact same thing.

People you feel you need to thank:

Would like to thank my family, my girlfriend Josee Gelinas, Andrew and Adam at Route 99, Davis and Aaron from SCOTT, and Jorli Ricker for getting me where I am today!