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Frédéric Tranchand

Frédéric Tranchand

Name: Frédéric Tranchand
SCOTT Athlete since: 2021
D.O.B: 25.05.1988
Nationality: French
Hometown: Chuyer

Athlete talk

Skyrunning vice world champion 2022
Trail-running vice world champion 2022 (team competition)
3rd of the Golden Trail World Series 2020 & 6th in 2021
2nd of Sierre-Zinal 2020 (30’’ behind Kilian Jornet)
2 x winner of the SkyRace Matheysins (Part of the Skyrunner World Series)
29:55 on 10 Km
In Orienteering:
7 medals at World Orienteering Championships (from 2010 to 2019)
World University Champion and World Military Champion and multiple medals
Multiple times national champion

3 facts we don’t know about : 
1- I grew up in a milking-cows farm and my room was covered with posters of tractors and machines 
2- I’ve got a master in civil engineering from a prestigious school, but prefer running in the mountain nowadays
3- I’ve lived many years in Finland, still struggling to understand the Finnish language 

Favourite race: Skyrace des Matheysins

A quote you live by: Let’s go for the adventure and enjoy the experience with the smile, because the happiness is contagious!
Motivational song: Two steps from hell