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SCOTT Running Team

Antoine Thiriat

Name: Antoine THIRIAT
D.O.B: 2000
JOB: Law student
Nationality: French
Location: Gérardmer

Straight from Gérardmer, in the Vosges, Antoine Thiriat, at 23 years old, has been shaking up the rankings on trail races for 2 seasons now. As comfortable as he is passionate about discovering new trails, more or less technical, he is starting to work on the long trail.
With only a few years of practice, his record of achievements already makes more than one dream with a title of French champion of long trail hopeful, a second place on the Young race 2021 and a victory on the Aymon trail 2022.

Athlete talk

Vice-champion de France de Trail Long Espoir 2022
1er Tour des Fiz 2022
7ème OCC 2022
Champion de France Espoir de Trail Long 2021

2 facts we don’t know about: 
1- I am very curious, I ask 1000 questions a day
2- I got Kylian Jornet's number 1 at the UTMB 2022

Favourite race: OCC
Favourite SCOTT product:  Kinabalu RC 3