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SCOTT Running Team

Dennis Laerte

Name: Dennis Laerte
SCOTT Athlete since: 2014
D.O.B: 1/14/1985
Nationality: Belgium
Hometown:  Rotselaar (Louvain), Belgium
I live together with my wife and 2 sons. I swim, bike, and run and when there is some time left, I am a physio too.

Athlete talk

PB marathon 2h16'23
PB 10k road 29’40, 2020
9th Marathon Eindhoven 2016
1th Ironman Thun 2022 - AG 35-40  - qualification IM Hawaii
Mixing family life - work - elite sports… maybe the achievement I'm most proud of

3 fun facts to learn about me:  
1-    My wife is even more competitive then I am. The question is: when she's running or when I'm running ;)
2-    Swimming is the sport I love doing the most!
3-    I’m a big beer-lover. Especially blond beer and trappists. 

Favourite race: London Marathon
Favourite SCOTT product: SCOTT Speed Carbon RC
A quote you live by: "It never get’s easier, you only get faster!"
Motivational song: My hero - The Foo Fighters