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SCOTT Running Team

Devlin Derudder

Name: Devlin Derudder
SCOTT Athlete since: 2022
D.O.B: 4/29/1998
Nationality: Belgium
Hometown: Tielt (Bruges), Belgium

As a kid I practised several sports over the years. I used to play football and do swimming, judo and athletics. I got into Multisport at the age of 19 because a friend of mine did triathlon. At the moment I focus on Olympic Distance triathlon but I'm slowly switching to Long Distance triathlon. I'm in love with the sport and its diversity. I love the outdoors and especially the mountains. Since joining SCOTT sports last year I hit the trails now and then and like to go on an adventure and chase my dreams along the way. 

Athlete talk


European Champion 70.3 ETU AG25-29 in  Menen, Belgium 
1st Triathlon of Flanders Oudernaarde 2023 - Olympic Distance
1st Triathlon Eeklo 2023 - Olympic Distance
1st Triathlon Oostduinkerke 2023 - Olympic Distance
1st Flandrien run Oudenaarde 2023 – 10 miles
2nd Triathlon Kortrijk 2023 - Olympic Distance
2nd Duathlon Veurne 2023 - Olympic Distance
3th Triathlon Tielt 2023 - Sprint Distance
3th Triathlon Deinze 2023 - Sprint Distance
1st Triathlon Turnhout 2022 - Olympic Distance
1st Triathlon Viersel 2022 - Olympic Distance
10k road PB: 32'14 (2022)

3 fun facts to learn about me:  
1-    I'm a teacher at a high school. I teach English and Dutch. 
2-    I was in art school for 12 years...6 years of visual arts and 6 years of architecture.
3-    I always eat the same meal before a race: white rice with sweet & sour sauce or brown sugar.

Favourite race: Alpe D"Huez Triathlon 
Favourite SCOTT product: SCOTT Speed Carbon RC
A quote you live by: "Never stop working, never stop believing. Chase your dreams, because it hurts more to lose."
Motivational song: Big City Life - Luude & Mattafix