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Ellie Cookson

Ellie Cookson

Name: Ellie Cookson
SCOTT Athlete since: August 2022
D.O.B: 03.07.1996
Nationality: Canadian and Dutch
Hometown: Toronto, Canada but currently living in Innsbruck

I grew up living in Canada, England, and South Africa, and I’ve played team sports for as long as I can remember. I got recruited to play field hockey in university at Harvard and after graduating, I moved to London and took up running due to a back injury. During the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, I decided I wanted to run ultramarathons (even though I’d never run further than a half marathon…), and I simply never looked back. I love all distances, but prefer longer races with lots of climbing and technical trails - the more mountains I have to climb, the better! I’m pretty new to the whole sport, so I can’t wait to get stuck in to the scene more, and tackle new trails, challenges, and meet more awesome athletes and people along the way. 

Athlete talk

Salomon Ben Nevis Ultra - 3rd female 
Dartmoor Granite 50 mile - 1st female, 3rd overall

Chiemgau Trail Run 60km - 4th female
Hackney Half Marathon - 7th female
Xterra Snowdonia Trail Ultramarathon - 1st overall 
UTMB Wildstrubel 108 - 4th female 

3 fun facts to learn about me:
1- I lived in South Africa for 5 years and can speak a bit of Zulu
2- I work as a product designer for a software company that creates software for the Specialty Coffee industry
3- My family makes our own maple syrup (which is very Canadian of us)

Favourite race: I absolutely loved the UTMB Wildstrubel 108 - it was my first 100k race and the surroundings were just breathtaking the whole time. I also got to share the trails with some awesome other female athletes. 
Favourite SCOTT product: RC Skort and the Supertrac RC 2 Shoe 
A quote you live by: “Be curious” - I find life is more interesting when you are interested in what’s going on around you, and I love questioning things. When it comes to racing, I like to remind myself that each race is just another adventure, but when it comes down to grit, “run fast, hold on” is what I revert back to. 
Motivational song: I can never pick one song so I love mashups