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SCOTT Running Team

Giulia Saggin

Name: Giulia Saggin 
SCOTT Athlete since: 2022
D.O.B: 15-07-1992
Nationality: Italy
Hometown: Caronno Varesino (VA) 
I have started running with Athletic when I was at secondary school, thanks to my P.E. teacher. Three years later, I have found out Trail running and I couldn't stop myself from extending the distances, step by step, year after year, up to 330km.

Athlete talk

5 place at Tor de Geants 2018
2 place Orobie skyraid 57km 2022 (Italian Championships FISKY)
4 place Bettelmat ultra Trail 60km 2022(Worldwide Championships FISKY)
5 place at Trofeo Kima 2022
1 place Trail del Motty 97km 2022

3 fun facts to learn about me:  
1-    I have been one of the youngest lady on the Tor the Geants podium
2-    I have finished an Ironman 
3-    I used to gift myself a long distance race for my birthday. 

Favourite race: Tor the Geants
Favourite SCOTT product: All RE-SOURCE clothing line
A quote you live by: Mind, Heart and soul move your legs
Motivational song: Under pressure, Queen