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Harvey Martin

Harvey Martin

Name: Harvey Martin 
SCOTT Athlete since: I have been a member of Team Accelerate since 2019 and with SCOTT since then.  
D.O.B: 12/06/1999
Nationality: British 
Hometown: Sheffield, well, Bamford but nobody knows where that is.

My names Harvey Martin, I’m still relatively new to running. I used to compete at sailing at a pretty high level, however in 2018 my time sailing came to an end. It wasn’t long before I began running, mainly to get outside and exercise, it quickly developed into everything I do and fell in love with the sport. Not long after this I joined Team Accelerate and started getting coached from Stuart Hale. From then I haven’t looked back and have gone from strength to strength. I love running in all its forms whether its running on an indoor track or up in the mountains I can’t get enough.

Athlete talk

Wooler Trail Half 1st 2021/2022 (CR)
Round Sheffield run 2023 1st (CR)
Carsington Water 10k 1st (CR)
Ultraks VK 11th 
Leeds 10k 2021 3rd
Half marathon - 71:51
10k – 32:35

3 facts we don’t know about Harvey: 
1-    I was home educated as a child.  
2-    I have won a world championship in sailing.
3-    I really like coffee, so much so I took an espresso machine to an event.

Favourite race: Wooler trail Half
Favourite SCOTT product: Scott Supertrac Amphib
A quote you live by: Nobody cares, Work Harder
Motivational song: This has two answers if its pre-race normal frank cater to get me pumped up. Or if I’m just going for a run anything my Ezra collective.