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SCOTT Running Team

Lotte Claes

Name: Lotte Claes
SCOTT Athlete since: 2022
D.O.B: 5/5/1993
Nationality: Belgium
Hometown: Sint-Niklaas, Belgium
As a kid, I did athletics and gymnastics, but when I was 18 years old, my brother started triathlon, so I went with him to the triathlon club. Swimming is nothing for me so I started with duathlon. When COVID began, I started to train with Jan Petralia, who is my coach and also my boyfriend. Since then, I have made a lot of big steps in running and cycling and so, in 2021, I started riding with a UCI cycling team and in 2022 I rode my first World Tour races. I combine duathlon and cycling because I like them both. 

Athlete talk

Belgian champion Middle distance 2019 - duatlon
2th World Championship long distance Zofingen 2022 - duatlon
1th Powerman Embrun 2022 - duathlon
1th Alpe d'Huez 2022 - duathlon
10th Belgium championship time trail 2022 - cycling

3 fun facts to learn about me:  
1-    I'm addicted to chocolate.
2-    Since I live with Jan Pétralia, I crash a lot with the bike. 😂
3-    I really like riding with my bike in the mountains

Favourite race: Alpe d'Huez duatlon
Favourite SCOTT product: SCOTT Pursuit Ride
A quote you live by: "Fight like a title houder, stand like a champion."
Motivational song: Interrupters - Title holder