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SCOTT Running Team

Mathias Aciaux

Name: Mathias Aciaux
SCOTT Athlete since: 2023
D.O.B:  07/06/2004
Nationality: Belgium
Hometown:  Winenne, Belguim
I am Mathias, I am 19 years old and have been running for 7 years now. I am happy to travel the adventure alongside SCOTT Running who has the equipment that I love.

I love mountain and conexion with nature

Mini- cross  du Mont-blanc : 2th
2019 YCC:
- 1st prologue Chamonix 
- 1st Trail Courmayeur 
= 1st Belgian victory at a UTMB-race ever
2021 YCC:
- 2th prologue Chamonix 
- 1st Trail Courmayeur

Corrida de charleville Mézières : 1st Junior

Trail du Ventoux: 4th general & 1st junior 

La plagne 6D BOB : 2th(2021) - 3th Junior(2019)
La plagne 6Découverte 7th general & 2th Junior
La plagne 6D kids : 1st

10km du Mont-Blanc: 9th general & 1st catégorie

Trail de Méribel : 1st  (2020 & 2021)

Athlete talk

3 fun facts to learn about me:  
1-    I started running with my father at the age of 11
2-    I love mountain and go to mountain with my friends
3-    I love share my passion on the social network(the real one. Not the digital one ;) )

Favourite race: All races in chamonix ( for the ambiance)
Favourite SCOTT product: SCOTT Supertrac Amphib
A quote you live by: If you want, you can!
Motivational song: Ninho-Jefe